Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How To Use Win7 Without Activation

Don’t have money to buy orginal windows 7 with acivation key? Here is simple windows 7 trick that increases the trial preriod from 30 days to 120 daysIt may work for you.

1)Open Command prompt (cmd) , start , in search box type cmd
2) Right click on cmd and run as administrator
3)Type following command in cmd , slmgr -rearm and press enter

That is it , you can use this commend for 3 times, so that you will get 120 days of trial period(30+30+30+30=120)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How to use Trial Version software forever without Expiration

Now we download stuff almost daily. New products pop out so often. You can use any software forever you want. You can download trial version, right. Trial version expires after some days. You can stop that expiration. You can tell trial version of the software to not count days or do not bother about time. The software will stay and keep working like original software forever and will not expire or cease to work. You do not have to change your system clock. This little software does it all.

Time Stopper is the software which can stop the time for try out version software. When you stop the time you can use your try-out versions forever. When you stop the time of a try-out version using this Time Stopper it works via this Time Stopper. Real time and date run normally on your system. You can use any number of try-out version softwares with this software.
How it Works

  • Open Time Stopper
  • Browse and select .exe of required trial software
  • Choose the new date (Any date which occurs in between your trial software time period before expiration, suggestion: set it to two days before trial software expiration date.)
  • Choose any time
  • Click open software on your selected date
If you wish to create an icon for your modified trial software and do not want to open Time stopper every time then use last button in software to create new icon. open that trial software after that from that newly created icon always otherwise it can expire.

Size: 844 KB

Download Time Stopper

Download Link

Recover deleted files from USB drive or external memory devices

Pandora Recovery allows you to find and recover recoverable deleted files from NTFS and FAT-formatted volumes, regardless of their type – you can recover pictures, songs, movies or documents. Pandora Recovery will scan your hard drive and build an index of existing and deleted files and directories (folders) on any logical drive of your computer with supported file format. Once the scanning is complete you have full control over which files to recover and what destination to recover them to. You can BROWSE the hierarchy of existing and deleted files, or you can use SEARCH functionality to find a deleted file if you remember at least one of the following:

  • full or partial file name
  • file size
  • file creation date, or
  • file last accessed date

Pandora File Recovery is a free software. Here are some of the unique features of it.
  • Browse, Search, Preview and Recover deleted files.
  • Surface (cluster) scan.
  • Recover Archived, Hidden, Encrypted, Compressed files.
  • Recover Alternate Data Streams (ADS).
  • Recover Images, Documents, Movies, or any other type of files .
  • Recovery success estimate.
  • Review File properties and Drive properties
  • Recover to Local Hard Drive, Network Drive, or Flash Drive
  • Compatible with Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2003 and Windows 2000

Monday, April 4, 2011

Disable UAC on specific individual Software Program

UAC means User account Control, security feature which pops up a window saying “Do you want the following program to make changes to this computer”. It is annoying in many cases when you trust a program and UAC still asks for permission. It is possible to completely disable UAC but then its threat to security so, it’s better to disable UAC for specific trusted programs.

UAC Trust Shortcut is a small program shared by Technospot where you can specify trusted program and it creates a shortcut for that program on Desktop. Now, access the program from same shortcut and it will no more ask you for permission. Browse for the main program EXE file and click “Add now”.

Automate Download, Connect and Disconnect Internet Connection at specific Time

Many Broadband ISP especially in India offers Happy hours for download where you are not charged for downloading. Problem is the time allotted as it is generally from midnight to early morning hours. So, here is a Software for automatic download by starting internet connection and then disconnect and stop downloading at the end of Night Unlimited timings.

Auto Connect Download scheduler is a small tool developed by S.K.Aijazuddin to automatically connect to Internet Connection and start downloading using Torrent Client or Downloader application. Here, you can Enter the time to start PC / Laptop and connect to Internet automatically. Then you can specify the time to start Torrent download client followed by stopping and Shutdown without any manual action required.

Features of this tool are summarized as:

  1. Wake up from sleep.
  2. Dial the internet (or) Reboot modem.
  3. Run the download manager (or) Torrent client.
  4. Close the download client
  5. Disconnect internet (or) Reboot modem.
  6. Shut down the computer.

How to automate Download task for BSNL Night Unlimited?

Make sure your Torrent Client or any Downloader program is setup to startup with Windows and start downloading added torrents.

  • Add all download files in the torrent client, start all download tasks. Close ( quit ) the torrent client.
  • Enter the time to wake up, this is the time when you system will turn ON from hibernation mode.
  • Enter the time to connect the internet, and other data like user details ; or check the “I have a Always-ON connection” box. This connects internet or reboots the modem in always ON mode. Set this time suitably depending upon boot time of yours system. Note: In case of Windows 7, note the bootup time and time taken to initialize your modem into account to set this time, keeping a delay of 4-5mins after wake-up.
  • Enter the time to run the torrent client and also browse and select the application (client) to run.
  • Enter the time to close the torrent client and the time to disconnect the internet ( or reboot modem).
  • Enter the time to shut down the system.
  • If you want to run this schedule daily, check the Run this schedule daily box.
  • Click on Done and minimize the application. Hibernate the system.
It is perfectly suited to BSNL Night Unlimited Broadband plans where you can download at full speed from 2 AM to 8 AM. So, set the timings, schedule your downloading and have a nice sleep.

This is compatible with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 too. For Windows 7, you will need todisable UAC for individual program using TrustUAC so that the program starts automatically.

For more info and Download Auto-Connect Download Scheduler

Download Free Driver Software for Your PC

Are you looking for drivers? Have you missed driver cd pack? Don’t worry here is a cool site Bravofiles.com with lots of drivers.You can download different types ofdevice drivers and software utilities for your computer.Bravofiles.com got a great collection of drivers for Motherboards, Video cards, Sound cards, Modems, Laptops, Scanners, Printers and much more.

Get drivers for almost all brands of Laptops and PC:
  1. Acer
  2. AMD
  3. Apple
  4. ASUS
  5. Canon
  6. Compaq
  7. Conexant
  8. Creative
  9. D-LINK
  10. DELL
  11. Epson
  12. HP
  13. IBM
  14. Intel
  15. JMicron
  16. Lenovo
  17. LG Electronics Inc
  18. Linksys
  19. Logitech
  20. Motorola
  21. NVIDIA
  22. Panasonic
  23. Realtek
This site is well organised and easy navigation of different categories like Bluetooth, Controllers, Disks, Mice, Keyboards, Joystick, Modems, Monitors, Network Cards, Printers, Scanners Cameras, Sound Cards, USB, Video Cards is provided at the top.


Tracing or Routing a website using command prompt.
note : "This tip is only meant for educational purpose".
it is mainly use this trick to find out the hosting provider where a particular domain is hosted.
the steps are :
1. Start->Run->CMD ie; open Command prompt
2. Type the following command and press enter.
tracert www.websitename.com
In the above command, enter the desired website name.
and press enter, it will tell you where a particular domain is hosted, Location, Country and some details of that domain.