Monday, April 4, 2011

Automate Download, Connect and Disconnect Internet Connection at specific Time

Many Broadband ISP especially in India offers Happy hours for download where you are not charged for downloading. Problem is the time allotted as it is generally from midnight to early morning hours. So, here is a Software for automatic download by starting internet connection and then disconnect and stop downloading at the end of Night Unlimited timings.

Auto Connect Download scheduler is a small tool developed by S.K.Aijazuddin to automatically connect to Internet Connection and start downloading using Torrent Client or Downloader application. Here, you can Enter the time to start PC / Laptop and connect to Internet automatically. Then you can specify the time to start Torrent download client followed by stopping and Shutdown without any manual action required.

Features of this tool are summarized as:

  1. Wake up from sleep.
  2. Dial the internet (or) Reboot modem.
  3. Run the download manager (or) Torrent client.
  4. Close the download client
  5. Disconnect internet (or) Reboot modem.
  6. Shut down the computer.

How to automate Download task for BSNL Night Unlimited?

Make sure your Torrent Client or any Downloader program is setup to startup with Windows and start downloading added torrents.

  • Add all download files in the torrent client, start all download tasks. Close ( quit ) the torrent client.
  • Enter the time to wake up, this is the time when you system will turn ON from hibernation mode.
  • Enter the time to connect the internet, and other data like user details ; or check the “I have a Always-ON connection” box. This connects internet or reboots the modem in always ON mode. Set this time suitably depending upon boot time of yours system. Note: In case of Windows 7, note the bootup time and time taken to initialize your modem into account to set this time, keeping a delay of 4-5mins after wake-up.
  • Enter the time to run the torrent client and also browse and select the application (client) to run.
  • Enter the time to close the torrent client and the time to disconnect the internet ( or reboot modem).
  • Enter the time to shut down the system.
  • If you want to run this schedule daily, check the Run this schedule daily box.
  • Click on Done and minimize the application. Hibernate the system.
It is perfectly suited to BSNL Night Unlimited Broadband plans where you can download at full speed from 2 AM to 8 AM. So, set the timings, schedule your downloading and have a nice sleep.

This is compatible with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 too. For Windows 7, you will need todisable UAC for individual program using TrustUAC so that the program starts automatically.

For more info and Download Auto-Connect Download Scheduler

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